Unique Uses

The rigorous specifications for a primary inertial system of an advanced targeting POD observation system, required by a leading Israeli defense integrator, included low noise, accuracy and high bandwidth under harsh environmental conditions, which would typically include vibrations and extreme temperature conditions.
Furthermore, they required improved performance in both wide- and narrow-field cameras; improved performance whilst maintaining the same Form, Fit and Function (F3) of the previous inertial system, and the inclusion of several additional features and functions that were not previously available. It also had to be ITAR-Free and come at a competitive price.

What Cielo can provide to meet these demands

Cielo has developed an advanced new generation IMU system based on their closed loop Fiber Optical Gyroscopes (FOG) and linear rebalanced accelerometer technology. To utilize the natural high bandwidth and low noise of the closed loop Fiber Optic Gyroscopes (FOGs), Cielo designed a digital interface with an extremely high data rate, enabling the targeting pod unprecedented line of sight stabilization performance, thus improving both near and far field cameras recognition and identification ranges.


After meeting all of the specifications and successful final testing of the prototype, the integrator issued a PO for serial deliveries.
According to Yitzhak Yoselis, VP Programs: “This demonstrates the trust of the Israeli defense industries in both the highly reliable and field-proven closed loop FOG technology, as well as in the engineering capabilities of Cielo to be able to deliver this high performance IMU on time and within spec.”